The Supreme Court of Missouri entered an order suspending him indefinitely and staying the suspension in full in favor of a two-year period of conditional probation. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Mr. She was the subject of a misdemeanor charge of attempt forgery. Over the course of several months after the settlement of a personal injury matter, Mr. Kanarish made false statements about his purported fees to a doctor who had requested payment for services he had provided to Mr. Kanarish's clients. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona suspended her for six months and one day. The Supreme Court of Iowa suspended her with no possibility for reinstatement for one year. He dishonestly converted $13,906.56 in funds belonging to two clients, failed to refund unearned fees, neglected and failed to effectively or timely communicate the status of matters to three clients, and failed to reduce two contingent fee agreements to writing. No lawyer may petition for readmission until [five] years after the effective date of disbarment. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. Debarment is the permanent suspension of a vendor from doing business with the OAG. Mr. Koenig, who was licensed in 1975, was suspended for one year for intentionally converting $70,076 in funds that were owed to his client after the settlement of a lawsuit over the construction of a will. He attempted to settle two cases without his clients' permission and made misrepresentations to a tribunal and opposing counsel about the status of the cases. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. In another case, she failed to timely turn over a client file to new counsel and was sanctioned by the court for not complying with various court orders. The ARDC summaries contain the name of each disciplined lawyer, the community in which that lawyer last practiced, a brief summary of the misconduct and the disciplinary sanction ordered by the Court. The Supreme Court of Missouri suspended her indefinitely, with no leave to apply for reinstatement for a period of six months. Mr. Peterson, who was licensed in 2013, was suspended for six months. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and censured him, as his Arizona probation had ended. Mr. Mason, who licensed in 2019, was suspended from the practice of law for five months. While representing a client in a criminal matter, she falsified her client's signature on a written arraignment form and then made misrepresentations to the court about what she had done. During a telephone call with that attorney, Mr. Pomrenze threatened great harm to the other lawyers client if the client filed a criminal complaint against Mr. Pomrenze or if he submitted a complaint to the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for three years and until he is reinstated in Indiana. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. He converted over $38,000 that he was supposed to hold for a third party in a real estate transaction by giving it to another client without the third partys consent. In 2018, Mr. Loprieno fabricated documents that purported to show that another attorney had prepared documents that would have changed the terms of Mr. Loprieno's grandmother's estate plan, then falsely denied creating those documents in his initial response to the ARDC's request for information. He commingled and used without authority approximately $5,200 in others' funds in connection with real estate escrow and earnest money matters. Mr. Hudec was licensed in Wisconsin in 1979 and in Illinois in 1980. Mr. Kovac was licensed in both Illinois and Wisconsin in 1973. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Florida. While representing a recently-widowed woman in matters relating to the administration of her deceased husbands estate, he collected an unreasonable fee of $20,000 for preparing new estate-planning documents for the woman and her adult daughter and for incorporating a business for the daughter, and he sought an additional $25,729.75 in fees that the client did not pay. Ms. Sodaro was licensed in Illinois in 1986 and in Arizona in 2017. In another matter, following a dispute with his former partners that went to arbitration, Mr. McNabola issued a subpoena for an employee's cell phone records under the caption of the closed arbitration matter. He made false or reckless statements about the integrity of a federal bankruptcy judge in nine motions filed in the bankruptcy or federal district court. The opinions, announcements, and orders by the Supreme Court may be reviewed under the Recent Decisions tab or at the Supreme Court of Illinois website: He refused to withdraw his appearance in a client's dissolution of marriage case after the client's relative, who had been authorized as the client's attorney-in-fact, terminated his representation, and he filed frivolous pleadings and acted dishonestly to benefit himself in the matter. Mr. Salgado, who was licensed in 1993, was suspended for one year with all but the first 30 days stayed by a one-year period of conditional probation. He also provided money to the client as a loan against an anticipated settlement and then as a purported settlement. Mr. Babcock, who was licensed in 1992, was disbarred on consent. He also misappropriated approximately $690,000 in funds that he had agreed to hold in trust related to two real estate transactions, transferred approximately $943,000 from his client trust accounts to his operating account without identifying the purpose of the disbursements or the client associated with them, and commingled more than $350,000 of operating account funds with client funds. He made false statements in federal court pleadings and in communications with opposing counsel and court personnel alleging a fictitious illness as his reason for seeking extensions of time in matters. Mr. Lewin, who was licensed in 1974, was suspended from the practice of law for 60 days. Mr. Palladinetti, who was licensed in 1985, was disbarred. Mr. Steckel, who was licensed in 2000, was disbarred on consent. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. In addition, in a subsequent disciplinary matter, the Presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona suspended Mr. OConnor for 60 days and placed him on a two-year period of probation upon his reinstatement for eliciting false testimony from his client and making a false statement to Arizona disciplinary authorities. Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois. He used his former firm's bank account information without permission to pay his attorney registration fees, and he made misrepresentations to the Administrator in writing and in his testimony at a sworn statement during the investigation of his conduct. The suspension is effective on February 11, 2021. The suspension is effective on February 7, 2023. Mr. Johnson, who was licensed in 1996, was disbarred on consent. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. A referee appointed by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin publicly reprimanded him for neglecting a client matter, failing to communicate with a client, and failing to cooperate in disciplinary investigations. He failed to diligently handle a number of bankruptcy matters, did not adequately communicate with those clients, and made misrepresentations to those clients and his employer about the status of the cases. Mr. Hankes, who was licensed in 2006, was suspended for three years and until he completes the ARDC Professionalism Seminar, for converting nearly $80,000 of client funds. In 2019 and 2020, Ms. Allen failed to diligently pursue two related immigration matters and repeatedly misled her clients about the status of those matters. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts disbarred him for intentionally converting over $42,000 that he was supposed to be holding in connection with an insurance dispute. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. Ms. Lemp was licensed in Missouri in 2010 and in Illinois in 2012. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. She assisted a disbarred attorney in the unauthorized practice of law by representing an individual in a workers' compensation case without the individual's consent, thereby allowing the disbarred attorney to falsely represent himself to the individual as being able to practice law. Unless otherwise noted, the mandate of discipline issued immediately. The following dates apply to the declared distribution: Ex-Date: January 19, 2023 Record Date: January 20, The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for six months and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Missouri. Mr. Potere was licensed in Illinois in 2012 and in California in 2015. Also, in the course of the disciplinary investigation, Mr. Cunningham made false statements to the ARDC about his use of a credit card account set up by his wife. Mr. Schulz was licensed in Illinois in 1968 and in Virginia in 1982. Ms. Kooi was licensed in Indiana in 2009 and in Illinois in 2010. He engaged in a number of criminal acts involving incidents of domestic violence and driving while over the legal limit for alcohol, and he mishandled three patent applications. Ms. Jones, who was licensed in 2014, was suspended for nine months. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. Mr. Weber did not participate in his Illinois disciplinary proceedings. Mr. Bowe had continued to practice law after the administrative suspension of his law license, and he did not maintain required trust account records. In a 2018 matter, he was admonished and placed on probation for two years for failing to notify a third party of his receipt of funds in which the third party had an interest and failing to distribute funds. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Mr. McCloskey was licensed in Illinois in 1987 and in Missouri in 1986. In securing a $200,000 loan for a company that he and a client co-owned, the repayment of which that client personally guaranteed, he entered into a business transaction with a second client without disclosing the first client's financial liabilities and without obtaining the second client's informed consent. He abandoned his law practice and did not communicate with clients for an extended period. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for 180 days, with the suspension stayed after 90 days by a two-year period of probation, nunc pro tunc to January 14, 2021, subject to the conditions imposed in Indiana, and continuing until his probation in Indiana is terminated. Mr. Roth, who was licensed in 1979, was disbarred on consent. She pled guilty to misdemeanor harassment for pointing a semi-automatic pistol at a group of protesting individuals outside of her home, with the purpose of causing emotional distress. The suspension is effective on December 14, 2022. NEW YORKJanuary 10, 2023Ares Dynamic Credit Allocation Fund, Inc. (the "Fund") (NYSE: ARDC) announced today that it has increased its monthly distribution for January 2023 to $0.1075 per common share from $0.1025 in December 2022, payable as noted below. The suspension is effective on October 14, 2021. Ms. Koroll, who was licensed in 2001, was suspended for six months, with the suspension stayed after 60 days in favor of a one-year period of conditional probation. The website for the ARDC can be found at . The suspension is effective on June 9, 2022. Mr. Buhl was licensed in Illinois in 1985 and in Connecticut in 1987. Mr. Jankura, who was licensed in 1987, was suspended for 90 days. Mr. Gordon failed to file a brief in his client's criminal appeal and did not refund the fees he received for the representation. She did not diligently handle two dissolution of marriage matters and one child custody matter, and she repeatedly failed to respond to clients' requests for information about their cases. He communicated with a defendant in a criminal case whom he knew to be represented by counsel without consent of that defendant's lawyer. In a third matter, he advanced non-meritorious claims and contentions, made false representations in a court filing, and made false statements to the Arizona State Bar during its investigation into his conduct. She knowingly or recklessly made a false statement impugning the integrity of a judge and made false statements to the ARDC during her sworn statement. Mr. McWard, who was licensed in 2017, was suspended for 90 days. Mr. Fieweger was licensed in Illinois in 1987 and in Iowa in 1989. He committed the criminal act of aggravated battery on one of his neighbors, a woman over 60 years of age. The suspension is effective on June 8, 2021. The Virginia State Bar Disciplinary Board revoked his license to practice law and struck his name from the roll of attorneys after he failed to perfect the appeal of his client's criminal matter, resulting in the dismissal of his client's appeal. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and censured him. Mr. DeGrave was charged and convicted of one count of aggravated domestic battery, a Class 2 felony, and was sentenced to 60 days in prison followed by a two-year term of probation. Pursuant to amended Supreme Court Rule 756 (i), the reinstatement fee is $25 per month, subject to a $600 cap. Ms. Murray, who was licensed in 2013, was suspended for six months and until further order of the Court and until she completes the ARDC Professionalism Seminar. Antonio Brown was suspended from social media application Snapchat on Tuesday after he was reported by the mother of his children for posting sexually explicit photos of her on his story, TMZ . While working as an investigator for the Civilian Office of Police Accountability ("COPA") in Chicago, she repeatedly, and without authorization, accessed a private database of police records in violation of the terms of her employment. Mr. Bracamonte filed asylum applications without an indicated basis for asylum, he canceled asylum interviews or advised his clients not to appear for asylum interviews, and he failed to demonstrate a clear intention to pursue an asylum claim, causing prejudice to his client. Mr. Szymanski, who was licensed in 2013, was suspended from the practice of law for two years and until further order of the Court. An interim suspension may also be . For additional information concerning the summaries of recent decisions contact Steven Splitt at (312) 565-2600 or, within Illinois, at (800) 826-8625. Ms. Edgar was licensed in Illinois in 1990 and in California in 2005. The California Supreme Court suspended her for one year, with the suspension stayed by a one-year period of probation subject to conditions. Mr. Levy was licensed in Illinois in 1999 and in North Carolina in 2001. She charged an unreasonable fee by collecting a percentage of a six-figure recovery in an undisputed workers compensation matter when her fee was limited by statute to $100, and she engaged in a conflict of interest by providing financial assistance to her client that was not for court costs or expenses related to contemplated or pending litigation. In the course of representing a client in an immigration matter, she failed to file an application to adjust the client's visa status, made false statements about the status of the matter to the client, and generated two fabricated emails purportedly from an immigration agency in order to mislead the client about the status of the matter. Mr. Loprieno, who was licensed in 2010, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court. She also failed to cooperate with the ARDC's investigation of her conduct. The suspension is effective on December 7, 2021. As the manager of his own law firm, Mr. Cunningham did not review his law firm accounts, nor did he know the source of funds in those accounts or how the funds were expended. The Supreme Court of Colorado disbarred him for not diligently representing three clients in patent matters, failing to keep clients informed about the status of their matters, converting client funds in two of the matters, and abandoning two of the clients. The Indiana Supreme Court suspended her for 90 days, beginning November 23, 2020, with 30 days of that suspension to be actively served and the remainder stayed subject to completion of at least two years of conditional probation. Mr. Halling was licensed to practice in Illinois in 1993 and in Colorado in 1995. He recorded 277 hours in false time entries while working on a document review project for a large law firm. A lawyer who embezzled almost $80,000 from former clients should be suspended for three years, according to the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission Review Board.Robert John Hankes, a former employee of Vedder Price P.C., was found to have created false invoices for his former . Mr. Sanchez was licensed in Illinois in 2003 and in Missouri in 2010. He also made false or misleading statements in connection with the Administrator's investigation of his conduct. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Mr. Paleczny, who was licensed in 2018, was suspended for one year and until he completes the ARDC's professionalism seminar. Ms. Luther was licensed in Illinois in 1989 and in Arizona in 2004. The Chair of the Attorney Discipline Probable Cause Committee of the Supreme Court of Arizona admonished her and placed her on a two-year period of conditional probation. While working as an associate at a law firm, she submitted false billing records totaling 86.4 hours, which resulted in one of the firm's clients being overbilled by $40,176. He converted over $67,000 in settlement funds belonging to a client and third parties in a workers' compensation matter. Mr. Generally. This page contains ARDC summaries of recent disciplinary decisions issued by the Supreme Court of Illinois. Mr. Field, who was licensed in 2011, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court. The suspension is effective on December 14, 2022. He neglected two client matters and failed to communicate with those clients, and he concealed from a bankruptcy court his client's payment of attorney's fees to him. He falsely told his client that he had communicated with an insurance claims adjuster, and he made false statements to the ARDC in the course of the disciplinary proceeding. In 2018, Mr. Szymanski again was arrested for an incident in which he punched his spouse in the arm and attempted to punch her in the stomach, for which he was charged with two counts of resisting a peace officer and two counts of domestic battery. The suspension is effective on April 6, 2021. In September 2021, a Michigan jury found him guilty of three counts of criminal sexual conduct. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. Over an eight-month period, he used more than $16,000 in funds belonging to a bar association of which he was then president, without authority, by withdrawing funds from the associations bank account and charging personal expenses to the associations credit and debit cards. Mr. Stone, who was licensed in 1996, was disbarred on consent for neglecting six client matters, failing to refund approximately $16,000 in unearned fees, and making misrepresentations to clients, a court and the ARDC regarding those matters and his health. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for six months and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Arizona. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona entered an order suspending him, on a reciprocal basis, for 45 days, effective retroactively to July 15, 2020, based upon an order of discipline from the Executive Office for Immigration Review of the United States Department of Justice. His misconduct arose from his Michigan criminal convictions for manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a drug house, and possession of marijuana with the intent to deliver. Mr. Liles, who was licensed in 2005, was suspended from the practice of law for one year and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed after six months by a two-year period of probation. The Grievance Committee of the North Carolina State Bar entered an order censuring him for conduct during his association with a bankruptcy law firm. Ms. Lowery, who was licensed in 2000, was suspended for 30 days and required to successfully complete the ARDC Professionalism Seminar within one year. He mishandled over $70,000 in real estate escrow and earnest money funds by intentionally withdrawing funds from his firms client trust account, drawing the balance in that account below the amounts that should have been held. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and disbarred him. Mr. Leone was licensed to practice in Illinois in 1981 and in Florida in 1985. Mr. Kowalski, who was licensed in 1990, was suspended on an interim basis and until further order of the Court. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended her for one year and until further order of the Court. Mr. Freund, who was licensed in 1984, was disbarred on consent following his criminal convictions for the crimes of aggravated battery of a child, involuntary manslaughter, and concealment of homicidal death. The suspension is effective on October 12, 2022. He commenced and conducted an inappropriate sexual relationship with a client after the formation of their client-lawyer relationship and engaged in dishonest conduct when he prepared a letter to the woman's prospective landlord falsely identifying her as an employee of his law firm and providing false information about her purported salary and work history. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. Mr. Hall, who was licensed in 2019, was suspended for 60 days, with the suspension stayed after 30 days by a one-year period of probation with conditions. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and imposed a reprimand and a 60-day suspension. He pled guilty to misdemeanor assault for waiving a semi-automatic rifle in the direction of protesting individuals outside of his home, purposefully placing at least one other person in apprehension of immediate physical injury. Mr. McNabola, who was licensed in 1985, was censured for misconduct in connection with two separate matters. Between 2007 and 2021, he was publicly reprimanded twice in Wisconsin, as well as suspended twice in Wisconsin for 60 days. He failed to diligently pursue a workers' compensation and a personal injury matter and misrepresented the status of those matters to his clients. Mr. Pomrenze, who was licensed in 1984, was suspended for five months and until further order of the Court, with the suspension stayed in its entirety by two years of conditional probation. The Presiding Disciplinary Judge of the Supreme Court of Arizona suspended him for six months and one day, and required that, following a reinstatement hearing, he would be subject to probation and additional terms. Mr. Ries, who licensed in 1998, was suspended from the practice of law for two years and until he is reinstated to the practice of law before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for one year and until he is reinstated to the practice of law in Iowa. Mr. O'Shea, a former circuit court judge who was licensed in 1979, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court. No client lost money due to Mr. Kelly's misconduct. Additionally, he was criminally charged and pled guilty to providing alcohol to a minor. Mr. Gomez, who was licensed in 1988, was suspended for three years and until further order of the Court. During a dissolution of marriage case, she came to an agreement with opposing counsel concerning parenting time, prepared a proposed order memorializing the agreement, and obtained opposing counsel's permission to submit the order to the trial judge for entry. The Supreme Court of Indiana suspended him for 180 days, with 60 days actively served and the remainder stayed subject to completion of at least two years of conditional probation. Ms. Calloway, who was licensed in 1994, was suspended for one year and until further order of the Court. The suspension is effective on February 10, 2022. A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Mr. Araujo, however, retired from the bench one month before the Courts Commission entered its written findings on the ruling, thereby preventing the Courts Commission from pursuing discipline against him. Reinstatement is not automatic and must be allowed by the Supreme Court of Illinois following a hearing before the ARDC Hearing Board. The Supreme Court of Florida entered an order holding him in contempt and disbarring him for his failure to comply with a Florida Bar rule requiring him to notify his clients, opposing counsel, and tribunals of an earlier suspension, and requiring him to provide the Florida Bar with a sworn affidavit listing the names and addresses of all persons and entities that were furnished with a copy of the earlier suspension order. The reinstatement fee applies to each month that . A suspension until further order of the Court is an indefinite suspension which requires the suspended lawyer to petition for reinstatement after the fixed period of suspension ends. Mr. Lewin also sought to represent that defendant even though the representation would be directly adverse to, and materially limited by, his responsibilities to another client in a related case. The suspension is effective on April 15, 2022. He engaged in a conflict of interest when he represented clients with adverse interests in a small-claims action, and he failed to explain the matter to one client to the extent reasonably necessary for that client to make informed decisions regarding the representation. The Supreme Court of Illinois imposed reciprocal discipline and suspended him for 60 days, followed by a term of probation subject to the conditions imposed by Arizona and continuing until he successfully completes the conditions imposed in Arizona. He also did not respond to an ARDC subpoena. She refused to agree to the terms of probation. Ms. Lane, who was licensed in 2006, was suspended for nine months, with the suspension stayed after six months by a six-month term of probation with conditions. Mr. Kolb, who was licensed in 1994, was suspended for 30 days. 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