Apply the following rules based upon the location where citational content would be placed in the traditional format. Sample Forms of Summaries: Court of Appeals. ", 4. The latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style is the authority for punctuation and style matters. Capitalize in accordance with standard authorities, except as noted below. ), entered September 15, 2000, in favor of defendant. Use the Cal. Citation of American Case Law Federal cases: The Supreme Court of the United States is the only federal court to officially report its cases. Appellant or Respondent. 4th. The Appellate Division [affirmed, reversed, etc.] New abbreviations have been added for case names, law reports, appellate history terms and statutes (Appendixes 1 - 4). When citing in running text, convert internal brackets to parentheses. Remove all geographical designations that follow a comma [rule 10.2.1(f)]. Use the basic citation form below for the initial citation to a statute. All cases are being cited in citation sentences. Appeal from an amended judgment of the Justice Court of the Village of Red Hook, Dutchess County (Richard D. Griffiths, J. Citation to the New York State Supreme Court (Note to non-New York readers, if any: This is a trial court. Cite English language constitutions by country or state. According to Patrick M. Connors in his 2013 Practice Commentaries (McKinney's Cons Laws of NY, Book 7B, CPLR 3012-b, 2014 Pocket Part at 18) . Consider, for example, the following citation: New York Times Co. v. Tasini, 533 U.S. 483 (2001) The elements are . Where the location or content of an electronic source is subject to change, a "last updated" or "last accessed" date should be included. ); the jurisdictional predicate (by permission, on constitutional grounds, etc. (Michigan Court of Appeals) Mich. (Michigan Supreme Court) Not: People v. Armour, 590 N.W.2d 61 (Mich. 1999). 1 at A-14 [Apr. North Dakota Supreme Court: Citation to decisions posted on the Internet is permitted where the material is not readily available in print. Some suggested forms of ethics opinions in running text are as follows: New York State Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion 656 (1993) provides . D. Sample Forms of Summaries: Appellate Term. Advisory committee notes, statutory, 3.1 (c), "Affirmed," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, Amended statutes, citation of, 3.1 (b) (3), American Law Reports (ALR) annotations, 7.5, Amicus Curiae, appearance of counsel as, 9.2, Animal breeds, capitalization of, 10.1 (o), Appellate Division, rules of, 4.1 (b) (3), Attorney disciplinary charges, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), Attorney General, appearance of counsel by, 9.6, Branches of government, capitalization of, 10.1 (d), Building Code, New York City, 4.1 (b) (9), Building Code, New York State, 4.1 (b) (8), Business firms, abbreviation of in case names, Appendix 1, Case law reports, abbreviation of, Appendix 2, Code of Professional Responsibility, citation of, 4.1 (b) (6), Commission and agency documents and materials, 2.4 (b), Consecutive sections of statute, 3.1 (b) (2), Consolidated statutes, forms of, Appendix 4, Court of decision, abbreviations, 2.2 (a) (7), Disabilities, describing persons with, 12.5, Distances, use of symbols for, 10.2 (b) (2), Dollar amounts, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (2), Ellipsis, omitted material in quotations, 11.1 (c), Federal cases, citation of, 2.3 (a); 2.3 (b), "Federal Government," capitalization of, 10.1, Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, 4.2 (b) (5), Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, 4.2 (b) (4), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 4.2 (b) (1), Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, 4.2 (b) (2), Given names and initials, individuals, 8.1 (d); 10.4 (b), Insurance Department Regulations, 4.1 (b) (10), Italicization, 1.4; 2.0; 7.0; 13.7; Appendix 5, Judicial history of cases (see History of cases), Jurisdiction, indication of in citations, 1.1 (a); 2.2, Latin words, italicization of, 12.3 (c); 13.7; Appendix 5, Legislation (see Session Laws and Unconsolidated Laws, Statutes), Legislative and other materials, 3.1 (f); 3.2 (c), Measurements, use of symbols for, 10.2 (b) (2), "Modified," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, Multiple statutes, citation of, 3.1 (b) (2), National Reporter System (see Unofficial reports), New York Law Journal, citation to, 2.2 (b) (3), Non-attorney, appearance of counsel by, 9.3 (a); 9.3 (b), Nonstatutory material in statutory compilations, 3.1 (c), Numbered items, capitalization of, 10.1 (p), Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of State of New York, 4.1 (a), Opposing citations, introductory signals to, 1.4, Ordinances, capitalization of, 10.1 (j) (1), Periods, use of to punctuate quotations, 11.1 (b); 11.1 (c) (2), Personnel Rules and Regulations, New York City, 4.1 (b) (1), Pinpoint page citations, 1.3; 2.2 (a) (2); 2.2 (a) (3), Pluralization of case name abbreviations, Appendix 1, Point page citations (see Pinpoint page citations), Popular names of acts and constitutional clauses, capitalization of, 10.1 (j) (2), Previously cited authority, reference to, 1.3, Prisoner disciplinary hearings, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), Public domain citations, 2.3 (c) (4); Appendix 2 (D), References to previously cited cases, 1.3, Regional names, capitalization of, 10.1 (n), Rent statutes and regulations, 4.1 (b) (7), Repealed New York statutes, style and abbreviation of, Appendix 4, Reporter, citing out-of-state cases by name of, 2.3 (c) (3), "Reversed," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); 2.2 (a) (6); Appendix 3, "Reversing," in case history, 2.2 (a) (5); Appendix 3, Rules of Professional Conduct, citation of, 4.1 (b) (6), Session Laws and Unconsolidated Laws, 3.1 (d), Sex offender risk levels, numerals used, 10.2 (a) (7), "State of," inclusion in titles, 10.1 (c), String citations, 2.2 (a) (6); 3.1 (b) (2), Subsequent case history, 2.2 (a) (5); Appendix 3, Superseded New York statutes, style and abbreviation, Appendix 4, Supporting citations, introductory signals to, 1.4, Supreme Court of the United States cases, 2.3 (a), Treaties and international agreements, 6.0, Uniform Rules for New York State Trial Courts, 4.1 (b) (5), United States Supreme Court cases, 2.3 (a), Unofficial reports, citation of, 2.2 (b); 2.3; 2.4, Vendor neutral citations, 2.3 (c) (4); Appendix 2 (D), New York State Law Reporting Bureau17 Lodge Street, Albany NY 12207phone: (518) 453-6900fax: (518) 426-1640. ), "New York decisions shall be cited from the official reports, if any." individuals with disabilities, individuals with developmental disabilities, individuals with mental illness, individuals with autism or individuals with mental retardation). U.S. Reports: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254. INTRODUCTION There is no one prevailing source for citation of legal authorities in documents filed in New York courts. The drafter may also use summaries found in prior Official Reports 2d or 3d series volumes for guidance, but should adapt the format of a prior summary to conform to these General Rules and Sample Forms. Penal Law 125.25 (1) (a) and (b) provide . The statute name abbreviations listed in Appendix 4 should be used for statutory citations within parentheses. . . ), entered January 21, 2000. Users' input inspired several rule clarifications and additions. Appeal, by permission of an Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, from an order of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court in the First Judicial Department, entered January 6, 1998. next word). . The judgment convicted defendant, upon a jury verdict, of attempted kidnapping in the second degree. California specific legal encyclopedia that provides case citations and cross references to other resources. The Justice reasoned . eds., 21st ed. North Carolina : North Carolina Supreme Court: N.C. North Carolina Court of Appeals: If a party is sued or suing in a representative or official capacity, that capacity should be set forth in the title. Home; Current State Court Abbreviations; . [Bluebook Rule 11] A. Textual sentence: Accordingly, there was no violation of Article VI, Section 7 of the New Mexico Constitution. ), entered January 7, 2002 in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78. Separate more than two with commas and an ampersand before the final name or place the phrase "et al." Casey_Dunn4. For example: Capitalize "Judge" or "Justice" when part of a personal name (Judge White). The judgment convicted defendant, [upon a jury verdict] [upon a plea of guilty] [after a nonjury trial], of [name of crime(s), but omit the words 'the crime(s) of'] and sentenced defendant [description of sentence]." Plaintiff did not sustain a serious injury within the meaning of Insurance Law 5102 (d). The Bluebook is the guide to citing legal documents in the United States. Opinions published in the online version of the New York Law Journal are cited as indicated in section 2.2 (b) (3). Bluebook: Court names (Table 7) Court name abbreviations. The determination found that the Unified Court System had committed an improper employer practice. the Chair of the Public Service Commission. 5. The form is: (Town Law 198, 199 [1] [a], [b]; [3]; 200). Understanding California Case Citation Using The Bluebook: There are three levels of courts in California 1. Also see examples of case names in Appendix 6. Westlaw or Lexis) is permissible only when the case is not published in book form. (Personnel Rules and Regs of City of NY [55 RCNY Appendix A] 4.7.1), (Rules of City of NY Dept of Parks and Recreation [56 RCNY] 1-01), Personnel Rules and Regulations of City of New York (55 RCNY Appendix A) 4.7.1, Rules of City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation (56 RCNY) 1-01, (Rules of Ct of Appeals [22 NYCRR] 500.11), Rules of the Court of Appeals (22 NYCRR) 500.11, (Rules of App Div, 2d Dept [22 NYCRR] 670.3), Rules of the Appellate Division, Second Department (22 NYCRR) 670.3, (Uniform Rules for Trial Cts [22 NYCRR] 202.5), Uniform Rules for Trial Courts (22 NYCRR) 202.5, (Uniform Rules for Sur Ct [22 NYCRR] 207.6), Uniform Rules for Surrogate's Court (22 NYCRR) 207.6, (Rules of Chief Admin of Cts [22 NYCRR] 130-1.1), Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts (22 NYCRR) 130-1.1. Learn. Names of newspapers, magazines, books, etc., appearing in text should not be italicized. Appeal from an order of the Onondaga County Court (Laura Maher, J. ), entered in a proceeding pursuant to CPLR article 78, which had denied petitions to review respondents' denial of petitioners' separate Freedom of Information Law requests for access to records identifying 18 City of Schenectady police officers who allegedly were disciplined for engaging in an off-duty incident, and dismissed the consolidated proceeding. (Rules of App Div, 1st Dept [22 NYCRR] 600.10 [a] [11]. Otherwise, use only a period. at 6 (D. Mass. The footnote number should be placed at the point in the text where the citation would appear if the citation were placed in the text. Official New York Case Name and Citation Locator. . Months should be spelled out when part of a textual sentence in footnotes. . Each opinion is assigned a Miscellaneous 3d citation as well as a unique Slip Opinion citation that is paginated to permit pinpoint page references. Cite an e-book as in the example below. Always consult the Bluebook for additional information. 9. Administrative Code of the City of New York __. App.) A citation to an electronic source requires information identifying the particular material referenced, and is likely also to require information about the location where the source of that material may be accessed (e.g. Take a look at the list below to find which common words in case names are abbreviated according to the Bluebook - and how you should abbreviate them. PDF) that contains fixed pagination, paragraph numbering or location numbers. VI, 7. If a CD-ROM is the sole source of material referenced, cite it as in the example below. 12. Abandoned Property Law 103 (a) (as amended by L 1944, ch 498) provides . . n.d. ), including whether an appeal or a proceeding has been transferred; the appealable paper, followed by the name of the court and the judge's name where appropriate; and the entry date. If you prefer to search by State Supreme Court or Court of Appeals exclusively, click on the links in the left hand . Appeal from an order of disposition of the Family Court of Queens County (Fran L. Lubow, J. Capitalize constitution when referring to the specific constitution of any nation or state. For example, consider these substitutes: The use of Latin and other foreign words and phrases is appropriate where the word or phrase has become part of standard English or is a legal term of art. The judgment granted the petition and directed that petitioner's sentences be served concurrently. In the second example the case is in the U.S. Supreme Court, thus the name of the state, here Florida, is the name of the party. . The 2012 Edition leaves largely intact the content of the 2007 Edition and 2009 Supplement. The judgments convicted defendant, after a nonjury trial, of depositing debris and/or waste materials on a village lot (Local Law No. (Rules of App Div, 4th Dept [22 NYCRR] 1000.4 [f] [7]. Citations in the traditional format of the Official Reports are embedded in the text of the opinion using citations in running text ( 1.2 [b]) or within parentheses ( 1.2 [c]). Assume that all citations will appear in a brief to a federal court. Interior brackets are changed to parentheses as follows: New York City Loft Board Regulations (29 RCNY) , (Building Code of NY State 101.4.1 [2002]), Building Code of New York State 101.4.1 (2002), (NY City Building Code [Administrative Code of City of NY, tit 28, ch 7] BC 106.2.1), (1968 Building Code of City of NY [Administrative Code of City of NY] 27-232), New York City Building Code (Administrative Code of City of NY, tit 28, ch 7) BC 106.2.1, 1968 Building Code of City of New York (Administrative Code of City of NY) 27-232, (Department of Health Regulations [10 NYCRR] 59.2), (Insurance Department Regulations [11 NYCRR] 65-1.1), (11 NYCRR 60-2.3 [f] [INSURING AGREEMENTS] [I] [c]), Department of Health Regulations (10 NYCRR) 59.2, Insurance Department Regulations (11 NYCRR) 65-1.1, 11 NYCRR 60-2.3 (f) (INSURING AGREEMENTS) (I) (c), (NY PJI 2:225, Comment, Caveat 2) [Note: online treatise]. ADOPTION AND TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS, In the Matter of the Acquisition of Real Property by the, CORPORATE DISSOLUTION (REHABILITATION OR LIQUIDATION), In the Matter of the Foreclosure of Tax Liens by the, GROUP LITIGATION (STOCK, ASBESTOS, LEAD PAINT, ETC. Besides, the department, district, or county is always . When cited within parentheses, both the name of the country or state and the word "Constitution" should be abbreviated, as in the following examples: When constitutional citations appear in running text, either abbreviations or full names may be used. Cite an electronic source if it is the sole source of material referenced or if the print version is not readily available. 11 ] been added for case names in Appendix 4 should be out. Punctuation and Style matters City of New York courts when part of a textual sentence in.. Abandoned Property Law 103 ( a ) ( as amended by L 1944, ch 498 ).! 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