One man even goes so far as to say the more I can logically prove, the less I have to take by faith. The heavy loads on the peoples shoulders represented much of what you will find in the Talmud writings that were, at the time, in oral form. 31 The days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant They talk about salvation, yet they dont know what they need saving from. walking as Jesus walked that is judgement and doing the opposite of what he in no doubt preaches from the Pulpit. matthew jones mock draft 2022. Our video on Lev. 3) Please stop the great misrepresentation of claiming that those who try to follow JESUS by living as he lived are doing this TO BE SAVED. You may find that the Holy Spirit was showing you a way to go and you were letting your own way be a stumbling block or the teachings of men. If only more seminary schools and Bible colleges would invest in having scholars well studied in Torah and the Prophets (like Dr. Michael Rydelnik at MBI is just one example) to teach the students accurately as to how to properly interpret the prophecies about Jesus and the actual intention and timing of the New Covenant there would not be such confusion as to what it was Jesus actually came to do (its MORE than what Christianity typically teaches.) We can safely assume & see where God taught Adam & Eve and it was passed down thru the family, to those who followed God to Abraham and beyond. There was a whole faring community of just under 1000 people who lived that reality. Christians better wake up before its too late as they are going to be considered the least in the Kingdom!! This is not allowing all things to all people. But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.. Grace and Peace in His authority . I believe one could and should worship everyday and nothing shows Sabbath was meant to serve as the western church day of worship. OK . Lets face it in all forms of modern Christianity there are those that want to control others in one way or the other. Yes. Your accusations are full of fallacies of logic. Paul hard to understand? 119 Ministries teaches on page 1: It lacks the love Jesus presents as foundational in the Gospels. I cannot say when I will get to your suggested read on Galations, but Ill work that way. Remember the Covenant given at Mt Sinai? Nobody has it 100% right yet. I cant believe anyone could truly have the nerve to say God made a mistake or that ANYTHING He gives His people is a burden. They are challenging the status quo of todays Christianity and false doctrines that are in place due to the traditions of men. So if were currently living in a sinful and rebellious atmosphere of Sodom and Gomorrah, you have only our own stubbornness and willingness to be deceived to thank for it. In 2 Cor 3 Paul uses the same language as Jeremiah and Ezekiel in describing the NC in real time. I can tell you, what he revealed to me rocked me to my core! Into my adult years Ive read, and studied a lot of different religions and beliefs. I guess you need to research more you are appearing as a false prophet. Finally, your attempt to school me on understanding Paul in the context of the passage itself and how his original readers would have understood the term is laughable when you refuse to consider that your fanciful understanding of Lev. Why the Law then? I am always amazed at the arrogance of those who proclaim they love the LORD.there are many who believe that the LORD turn his back on the Jews for disobedience and now the CHURCH is his chosen. But what much (not all) of Christianity has done is to superimpose Greco-Roman thinking and western ideas that would be foreign to a first century follower of Jesus. So if any of you are inclined to believe otherwise, then you and I are definitely serving a different god. I think that Natan is telling the truth what he experienced. Sounds more like the Pope and the Catholic church to me (having been there half my life before studying Scripture.). Additionally, I am confused about your belief regarding the Spirit of God (Ruach Elohim) introduced in Genesis 1:2. My name is Lisa and I would not like to be called anything else but the name I was given at birth. Anyway, sometime after they moved down here, people kept forwarding me their Bible prophecy teaching video called Daniel Unsealed and asking me what I thought about it. And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. Jesus taught the people (and Pharisees) in Matthew 15:11, it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person. Not only does Messiah correct the Pharisees about hand washing, but he teaches what makes a man clean versus unclean. I do not doubt there are those that teach you MUST do the commandments in order to be saved. Left Behind is Back! Titus 3:9-11, Complete Jewish Bible (emphasis added). The whole of Scripture speaks with one voice, man is and always has been more accountable and responsible for the ladies. Not the man way. Countless references and even rebuked a synagogue from the book of Isaiah and rebuked the pharisees and Sadducees while referencing Exodus and Leviticus. Amein to that Sharon.. We must be careful about what we teach. Im unsure of your rebuttal and smells issue. And while I applaud 119 Ministries for their teachings, I think that we should all continue to follow their wise advice and test everything they say against the backdrop of Scripture, just as the Bereans did when they listed to Rav Shaul (Apostle Paul) preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom in the towns that he and Luke visited. So why would God be accepting of a people who profess Jesus with their lips and then deny Him (Jesus/God) by how they live? The blueprints show what the final product is to be. This is the Law written on our hearts and without action is dead. Since the Messiah died, now he can reconcile these brothers of his and they can return to Him. I am willing to discuss these things, even correspond outside this forum. Here is my take: There are 3 sides to a story, yours, mine and the Truth (Torah). Obviously not but nobodys attacking them anymore. 18 And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. 119 is nowhere near that. Our purpose is to seek and bring the truth to all nations, unlearn false doctrines and traditions of men, and to equip the body to live and practice the Word as God originally intended.We find that continuously examining the Scriptures (in the same Hebraic first century context and perspective in which they were written and understood) reveals to His people much more understanding, as opposed to the more common Greek mindset that is a couple thousand years removed. -Galatians 3:2-3. Most people dont like to do that they prefer their spoon fed, drive through gospel message tucked in a nice hour long wrapper on Sunday morning. Afraid your ego will get in the way? And some quote scripture out of context and cherry-pick verses to fit a preconceived doctrine. Because after all we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us right? Why is Revelations mysterious overlooked star Wormwood (Rev 6-8) the key to understanding Revelation? 119 Ministries Shalom, You have been added to the 119 Ministries Hebrew Roots . The people of Israel broke that covenant which is why God sent Jesus Christ to fulfill the Law of Moses and to establish a new covenant, a covenant of salvation by grace through faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. He is calling His people, Jew and Gentile, to Himself though Yeshua, and by His Spirit. 11 For the Scripture says, Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed. 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; 13 for Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. If you truly believed what you think Paul says is the true interpretation then you would leave them alone and not place your uneducated judgment upon them, if they do this unto God then it is unto God according to popular Christian dogma. So why then, would 119 Ministries be deceiving people, if theyre trying to help people follow the Bible better? -2 Corinthians 11:3-4 This revelation is crucial for a relationship with our Messiah, good and great Chief Shepard. The Hebrew Roots Movement is nothing more than Gods way of preparing my people to shed their own misgivings about the Good News of Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord, our Savior, our Savior and part of the Godhead. He told me that any time he challenged his professors with these truths he was given failing grades on term papers because he wasnt towing the line of his denominational doctrine. THAT fits more with the definition of a cult than where people are free to question doctrine and prove their point with the very Scriptures the doctrine-pushers are ignoring. This also does not remove the possibility that the two choices are the only possible translations or proper contextual interpretations. Sean, please be very careful in assuming that every Christian does, believes, and lives as you described in your comment. Without faith and the holy spirit than youll be like the Israelites in Isaiah 29:13 These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught. May the hand of YHVH keep us safe! But, unless you are called by God to do so, dont give up being a goyim. No matter how they try to spin their teaching, it is false teaching! The problem that we all face is the translation. I Accept Yeshua is the Messiah and he never spoke against Torah because he would be speaking against himself. You say its hypocritical for believers to condemn Christians for worshipping on Sunday. 34 No longer will any of them teach his fellow community member or his brother, Know ADONAI ; for all will know me, from the least of them to the greatest; because I will forgive their wickednesses and remember their sins no more., As a matter of fact, Yeshua recognized that the religious leaders of the day sat in Moshes (Moses in English) seat in the synagogue and said the following: I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Hi there, hope you are well.we thank God for your blog so that we can all embark on it and share ideas Are you suggesting that your disbelief in 119 ministries is based on the fact that Grace offers believers not to keep the commandments of God. I was never expecting a reply. up your life for those who despise you . And Im not here to argue this point? As with other Hebrew Roots groups, many Christians consider 119 ministries a cult. In the Days of Noah, the NEPHILIM(giants) wreaked havoc and were destroyed by the flood. That is also a synonym of love ..For God so loved He GAVE . And the famous scripture in John 10: Faith with out works is dead. Theres one student there whos been a part of the Hebraic Roots movement for as long as Ive known him and maybe longer. It is absolutely about salvation for I am afraid where this will lead of secular Israel and the rebuilding of the temple and animal sacrifices rebuilding what was destroyed and replaced ..forsaking the substance for the shadow and calling it sanctification . Ephesians 2:13-15. There is no place in civil court for Gods people. Now, like most people with a western mindset you likely dont know that in Hebrew terminology, a betrothal is as good as a marriage in terms of vows. I pray you do! You may reject Him, but what kind of danger does that put you under? I would be far more concerned with the Emergent Church and their blending of pagan mystical ways in their worship and those who think all their future sins are already forgiven so forget repentance and go ahead and live in immodesty, materialism, sexual perversion, etc. Consider that Moses was righteous in the eyes of Elohim. You, Leah, however believe that we do not have to follow ALL of Gods laws because he gave us freedom. The bible explains itself if and when one is willing to test it hard enough. You cannot be of both. Please, I implore you to read the whole study. Anyone can take the worst examples of a group to mislead others about them. Follow Leah, dont follow THE Creator As Paul teaches, Gentiles who believe are now PART of Israel, and now no longer Gentiles. the tenant given to buffet our flesh until the Seed came)? Via his blood which He himself announced as the blood of the NEW covenant. Help! And that is the final blow to ever entering the kingdom of heaventhere is none righteous, no not one. After more study and looking into the 1119 ministries and the Hebrew Root movement, I also believe them to be a cult.. Peter was such a dear saint ..he had humility when Paul called him out. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. NO, as He still has to come back! In the early phase of his careeruntil around 1536he expressed concern for their plight in Europe and was enthusiastic at the prospect of converting them to Christianity through his religious reforms. You choose to punish anyone that does not swallow the rhetoric and not be just like you or your congregational system. He actually divorced the 10 tribes who disobeyed by doing this very same thing! (3) But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. However, once you see the very truth that can set you free, absolutely choose itonly hold on, because you are in for the ride of a lifetime, literally! Since everyone is so passionate for the truth, then lets go right and dive to the WORD. It would be lovely to have you come take part in the Feast of Trumpets (relates to when Jesus returns at the last trump), Day of Atonement (the scapegoat story ties in there with Jesus and Barabas) and the Feast of Tabernacles >> you could see how it is a physical representation of the spiritual realm of Jesus tabernacling on the earth with us at the actual time frame of his birth (autumn like that Christian documentary Star of Bethlehem points out), as well how it relates to when he returns for his Bride. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. It is all aboutYehova. Its like they are obeying without any rules. Are people just SKIMMING NT Scripture or really reading it? Gal. How do you know if you may be caught up in error ? I hope this helps to clarify your question on Yehovas calendar that is improperly called a Hebrew calendar Same as the Feasts of Yehova improperly dubbed Jewish feats. Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. I have honestly not kept them. I am a pastor who is attempting to reach a man in my congregation who has been completely deceived by 119ministries. I have studied the book of Hebrews from the Greek and the Aramaic with supporting concordances, etc. As for me and my house, we will serve the God of Israel, as we ARE Israel, thanks to the blessed GIft of Messiah Jesus because the New Covenant was for Israel and Judah, not gentiles (notice theres no Gentile gate into the Kingdom either. There are way too many to be, they are you and me, Israel!! I, as a born again believing Jew, say to Christians everywhere, the exact same thing. Prior to Moses, the GRACE has existed since the Garden of Eden and is taught in Judaism. If they are not intentionally doing so, then they need to take a step back and reevaluate what they are promoting, because it is demonstrably UNscriptural. You asked for something to actually think on, so Ill try to provide such. Christians overlook the scriptures and do not actually read what it is written. This Torah topic is precisely why I originally asked you to visit their site. Or do you think that do all things through Christ means were allowed to live the way the pagans did and eat how the pagans ate, etc because Christ freed us from his tyrant fathers miserable laws??? And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age., Quite simply, He is saying to go and make disciples, baptize them, and teach them. This was done at the crossing over to the promise land. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing. 36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. And, a conspiracy theory of feminized Christian scholars is a real thing! Shalom. Think of all the people Abraham was told would be his descendants, they are not all Jews! . And the things Ive written are detailed, because its the details that 119 keeps twisting. Thanks to Steve, and Jon starting this as well as and those that are now heading it up. Neos refers to new in timeline; which along with intent of author and specific and General context of all Scripture, will provide Hermeunitical tools to use to come to proper Biblical exegesis.. no one in their proper mind will say its ok to murder because you are covered by grace This is an obvious commandment, no one would say it is ok now to have your way with others you are not married to These are easy And are commonly part of weekly sermons across the country, These are often referred to as moral laws and of course we keep these! and so on. There is NO running to doctors when you profess faith that God will heal. Lip service is worthless if Im not willing to back it up by being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer of the Word. Their vocabularies didnt contain a word that could even come close to the Torah (instructions, commandments, laws, ordinances, rulings). The Word also tells us that there will be a great FALLING AWAY (APOSTASY) in the end times. And in Rav Shauls spirit-filled efforts to effectively deal with the various issues that plagued the Messianic Community, Protestant Christians mistakenly see this as a sign that the Tanakh (Old Testament) is no longer valid. I start by praying for protection and then ask for wisdom and for the truth to be clear. They are more incorrect than the HR people and the whole reason Christianity thinks they can behave like pagans and still be saved. (Figures dont lie, but liars figure. Sorry to use a non-biblical quote ) so we take into consideration what Paul speaks in Rom 14; I will paraphrase if there are those weak in faith do not quarrel with them. but I am currently observing my first Shmita although the Hebrew calender puts the next Shmita in 2015.. because of a personal 7 year obligation I am observing it now) Btw is Greek for YeHo I have come in my fathers name (google translate and compare strongs 3058) Did you know Greek was derived from the proto-Phoenocian Alef-Bet. So when looking at matters of Torah, we should look at the laws, not as textual dispensations, but as a literal lawbook. If that is your desire, so be it! As you say, to those who walk in freedom from sin, sin is undesirable. We worship who we serve. Every statement he makes is proven by Scriptural evidence, so you can verify it all for yourself. Does any of you truly have room to judge when you are all adhering to beliefs that began not with Jesus and His Apostles, but 1500 years later by people who removed books from the Bible, dispensed with the sacraments Jesus established, and taught things that had never been allowed in the Church from New Testament times forward. Emotionless through this 119 teaching. Your modern scholars arent even in the same building, much less the same book as these men. Its just such an affront to our pride that wants to be able to have SOMETHING we can do that God would find righteous value in; and yet, its all Christ. What about Mehenam, son of Hezekiah? For example, Jim Jones was a false teacher that came from a protestant denomination, thus all protestants are false I dont think so. 5 (4) You are to follow ADONAI your God, fear him, obey his mitzvot (commandment), listen to what he says, serve him and cling to him; 6 (5) and that prophet or dreamer is to be put to death; because he urged rebellion against ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you from a life of slavery; in order to seduce you away from the path ADONAI your God ordered you to follow. Love one another, love Jesus. I speak of Chanukah and Purim (there are others). I pray the same for you. On this point, I appreciate the teaching of in their article entitled Under the Law, particularly in their Conclusion. It is not necessarily sin for other believers. Ironically, many Christians would be quite surprised to find out that Yeshuas half brother, Yaakov (James in English), continued to observe the Torah even after our Lords resurrection. As a Messianic Jew, I do not accept everything in the Talmudic writings as being inspired by God. Ill just note repost from Antonio: Is that alright? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Part 1 Or do you just automatically dismiss all evidence that disagrees with your Greco-Roman inspired theology as a conspiracy theory of feminized Christian scholars purely out of bias? Two different Covenants with Israel running in parallel. But many in Christendom have bought that lie that they do and the lie that Jews earn salvation that way also. What would the Churches in your area need to correct? Can you tell one of his teachings you disagree with and show me how its scripturally inaccurate? Faith in God of course but we have a better covenant for He has given us a new heart and it has come from Him He did it . They state: "Our obedience is the evidence and substance of our faith.". The NC fulfills the promise to Moses and the priesthood for a perpetual priesthood through the spiritual line of the greater Mrelchizedik Priesthood! I dont think so. Why is it when people start observing the original Sabbath and the Feasts of God that are so intricately tied to prophecy about Jesuss first and second coming (nowhere is it stated in the Bible theyre just for Jews) those people get labelled as being in a cult? Make every decision with the guidance of Yah and try walk like Yashua. 119 Ministries attracted and reached millions of global visitors to the 119 Ministries website in which the free teachings can be viewed. I was her first boyfriend and boy am I a chief of sinners Ive saved a screenshot!). (2Pe 3:18) but grow in the favour and knowledge of our Master and Saviour ????? That teaching method is not that far from the rabbis who taught in the name of an older rabbi. So there goes that. They demonstrate their love and trusting faith of God by striving to be obedient. The chief purpose of God's law is to point out our sinfulness and show our need for a Savior. Now the law/torah has been changed because of the Messiahs sacrifice on the cross; we no longer use animals to cover our sin/transgression because our sin is forgiven by HIM & His death & resurrection! To take a view that somehow the Church Fathers were teaching to remove all things Jewish from a way of life would be a serious error and leads to a path of replacement theology. And as for sacrifices, we are told in the NT that WE are the Temple of God and in Romans 12:1 to offer OURSELVES as a living sacrifice. Whole reason Christianity thinks they can behave like pagans and still be saved,! Great FALLING AWAY ( APOSTASY ) in the name i was her first boyfriend and boy am i chief... Jew, say to Christians everywhere, the NEPHILIM ( giants ) wreaked and. Of worship but what kind of danger does that put you under to the traditions of men a or. 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