Some people have the stomach for long commutes and some dont. She was trying to get out of the traffic. Yuuuuuup. A 2 hour commute is a reason to move. You can consider public transit, I took the redline from the SF Valley into downtown for several years as part of my regular commute and I loved it, super convenient. In the Greater Toronto Area, the GO Train now goes to Barrie, which is north of Toronto. A 3 hour daily commute really starts to eat into your free time. Freeways and surface streets werent designed for the volume of vehicles on the road. I used to have a mental picture of him saying the hell with this traffic and just commuting by helicopter. Sure, we could afford living in a shoebox with a 15 minute commute but that wouldnt be preferable. The idea of driving into the city center or to the other side of the metro area makes me shudder. 37 traffic lights, multiple school zones. The relatively low density of housing throughout much of the city especially the parts with the worst highway access also compounds all of the problems people have described with traffic flow. It really is. Oh man, OP you might want to look at work in Orange County if you really need to stay in Long Beach (and cant find a good position in Long Beach itself). And it is just going to continue getting worse. I think that explain it all. But I WILL say that is why most people choose to only look for jobs in their neighborhood, or move for work even within the city. That said, the days where the commute gets over 1 hour are tough, and I definitely couldnt do that twice a day. Not as long as your commute, but still longer than what I am used to. Youll just have to figure out what works for you, and is sustainable long-term. Plus, its Florida and OP is in southern California, so I doubt that we could survive the heat (not to mention the frequent summer rainstorms here in the summer). Doh! For reference that will easily take you from Tucson to Phoenix. Do you have any ability to move closer to work? (?). A lot of people do drive to metro stations, park, and ride the train, but metro has been hiking fares and cutting hours for years. I didnt realize how toxic that crazy commute was until it was gone. It gets tiring fast. My spouse and I are in a situation where I have an awesome practically door-to-door public bus commute that takes about 20 minutes, but he drives to work and it takes him 45-60 minutes. If public transportation was an option, I think itd be reasonable too. I visited SF for the first time last year, and I found the traffic there to be even worse than in NYC, and thats really saying something. For context, Im in the DC area and my commute door to door is roughly an hour on mass transit. I cannot imagine having to actively drive for that entire time through jam-packed traffic! He was able to pay off his student loans quite ahead of schedule too which is a nice perk! Its hard to tell if people choose the burbs because of the stigma, or if the stigma is the result of people choosing the burbs. Ahhhhh, Im so happy for you. Similarly, the most recent time I moved back to San Francisco, I had a two-hour commute from SF down to the South Bay (and 280, which used to be the relief from 101 traffic, is now horrible). More than 4 hours commute time! Tons of accidents that cause lane closures and rubbernecking? I have a two hour one-way commute to work from New Jersey to New York. A friend of mine works in Irvine and commutes from LB. This was in the dark ages before there was a metro. I used to do a similar commute. I have 45-60 minutes subway/walking from Brooklyn to Manhattan and I would just like to thank the Original Poster for reminding me that I really dont have it that bad, even though I was cursing out the MTA in my head this morning lol. I still cant do pick up on a regular basis but my commute is about 30 minutes now and Im a much happier person. Agreed, Anonymoose. I did it myself for about 4 years I simply could not afford to live in or around the District so I lived 40 miles outside the city and, on a good day, I was facing a 1.5 hour commute. yeah crossing the 405 definitely deserves mention. If youre having trouble visualizing this, check out the old Mythbusters episode where they tested it. ! turns out, its even worse than people said. Veterinary Technician. Timetables are generally designed for people travelling from the far-flung reaches to Sydney, and not the other way around, so this required some awkward choices, including two occasions when I had to grab a midnight train from the city and then lurk awkwardly on a remote platform waiting for a connecting service at 3am. When I lived in Seattle (suburbs!) My 20 mile commute to Santa Monica is on average 1 hr 20 mins (on bad day, 1 hr 40+ mins) so unfortunately, while this is not the national norm, I think it is a norm in SoCal. Its a trade-off. I commuted from Diamond Bar to Burbank. I live on the east side of LA with a 10-mile commute. I think your commute is longer than average for LA standards. LA traffic is 100% the pit of hell. This is my current reality. I used to drive for almost 2hrs to get to Uni some days and it honestly wasn't that bad. this is def normal for Southern California. I just connect some mini speakers to my phone and spend the commute listening to a book. I did the same thing when I was house hunting since I was pretty committed to the job. Right now my commute is 45 minutes by bus, which I love. Hopefully soon Ill get to spend more time at home. Still, commute times in all peer metros have worsened and the Bay Area now falls in the middle of the pack. All rights reserved. I had a one hour commute (from a suburb to a rural area, through farmland, 55 mph the whole way, no trafficso, not terrible at all except for the time and the fact that I hate driving) and it was killing me. Base it on your needs not whats acceptable to others around you! I didnt mind that it took an hour, because of course it did. Not worth getting killed. Yeah, not only would a drive like that mess with my mental health, I would not be able to take it physically either. I grew up in Fairfield/Vallejo area, in fact, for that exact reason it was where my parents could afford to live, and my dad commuted from there to Hayward for years. Thats why people consider dating people who live on opposite ends of LA to be long-distance relationships. On days with very light traffic (aka bank holidays), going a steady 45-55 mph the whole way, it would take me about 45 mins. If you feel like you're wasting time on the drive, listen to an ebook or an educational podcast. We have to take the dreaded 91, but since theres 3+ people in the van, we get to use the 91 toll lanes for free. When I moved from the south to the Boston area, I traded a 35 minute driving commute for a 35 minute walking commute (shorter on a bus, but I like the walk whenever it was >15 degrees and not raining). Good Luck! I imagine that in retail or food service, you are more likely to pick a job based on location, because theres not that many other differences between employers? If you cut your commute time in half (down to 1 hour/day total) and spent that newly freed time (6 hours/w Continue Reading 6 Related questions More answers below How can we stay productive yet working continuously for 16 hours? No, Id have to move or find another job! I was excited if it only took 1.5 hrs. All 6 lines get funneled into the same underground stretch of tunnel through the Mission and into downtown, so if one train breaks down, all the others get bogged down as well, and theres congestion in the tunnel just like there would be on a freeway. I come home for lunch and do dishes, light household chores. It gave pretty good estimates of the average commute times. I loved my neighborhood when I first moved to DCI was near Shaw, and it was amazing: I was right across the street from a great bar, cool restaurants in easy walking distance, and I loved the architecture. He is planning to stay at his job for a while, so we are in the early stages of looking to move. I love my 30 minute commute on laid back country roads now. Id change jobs to avoid moresitting in traffic slays my zen. By that time, it would take about 1.5 hours or more to get to my work. Another option for the OP, if she is up for it I have some coworkers who have a membership at a gym close to work. I got a new job. But honestly, we cant figure out how to still live in NJ with under a 3-hour round trip commute. Theres a reason why people in Southern California give distances in time and not in miles. But I knew that already. Its not going to get any better. Not really anything to add, but the only time I have ever had to pull over and cry because of driving, was on an LA freeway. So if I need to be at the office for an early meeting, or I need to pick up a kid somewhere, I try to allow at least an extra half hour, and more if the weather might be iffy. Its not the neighborhoods so much that are the problem (youre not usually spending much time in those neighborhoods) but the people riding the train. In NYC, for a long time I was a grad student spending 3-4 hours per day on public transit to get from my home in Brooklyn to my internship in Manhattan to my classes in Flushing and home again (I did not understand how spread out things were before moving there, otherwise I probably would have picked an apartment in Queens). My sister drives even further, close to 60 miles, and her commute is about an hour. I dont think I would ever consider more than 45 minutes for any job. The previous bad experience, it turns out, was based on two factors: 1. me not knowing about podcasts yet (for real, they are life- and sanity-savers) Twice a week. Id bitch about all The scariest was a semi truck veering across 5 lanes of traffic to land onto the interstate median and surprisingly no other car was involved. It sucks. Philly is much cheaper than NYC and their salary in NYC was still attractive enough to commute several hours each way. I carried brass knuckles at all times to make myself feel better, but I never had to use them. I remember days it took over an hour of just sitting on Westlake to Mercer to the 5. Ez. Even better, though, is riding my bike to workthen I dont have to go to the gym before or after. (None of this is easy in LA, but its the only solution for long-term happiness.) Maybe just for a week to try it out and see how you feel. I told myself my commute was just 3.5 hr of reading time that I normally wouldnt allow myself, so really, I was the lucky one (positivity and denial were really helpful too!) I lived in Tokyo for years and 90 minutes-two hours is common but that is by train so you dont have to pay attention. For many folks this probably would not work, but it seems to the best fit for his family. 2) Move closer to your work (may not be possible) Folks drive at the limit or (more often) 10-15 miles over limit when theres room to do so. You move closer to your work, or work closer to your house. Alternately, you could do the South Bay (San Pedro/Palos Verde/Torrence/Manhattan Beach). It might take a little more effort to work it out, but it absolutely can be done. I moved closer to the city and managed to cut the commute down to about an hour but then bit the bullet and moved into NYC where I now walk to work. I live in a big city with a lot of surrounding suburbs that makes a huge metro area. Commute between one and another at your peril. In retrospect, though, I wish Id gone with the tradeoff of living in an area I liked less (the see and be seen part of town) for the ability to walk to work. If you had spoken with someone whos lived in LA for a few years, they would have talked you out of it. But really try to make sure your mindset on traffic is in a healthy place. Thats a really rough schedule (50 hours a week is no joke), and it doesnt sound ridiculous at all! I was new to the area and was blinded bc it was a Cool Company and I thought I liked driving after not having a car for 5+ years and was excited about it. I am also a native Southern Californian, and while I wouldnt go so far as to say 2 hours is completely normal, it is not at *all* unusual. This kind of commute sounds incredibly draining! Anyway, just wanted to wish you the best! That long of a commute isnt worth your sanity. Public transportation was never an option here.). Makes the journey so much more enjoyable, to the extent that sometimes Im even looking forward to getting into the car for an extended period. Luckily she was a low key kid who enjoyed listening to music. *My cousin commutes from the edge of the surrounding New York Metro Area to the city. Just try me.). Counterintuitively, mid-day is often worse than rush hour because there are more parked cars and often lane closures for construction of one kind or another. Swore would never do commute into London again! UGH, have lived in the valley, 0/10, would not repeat. (I had a part time flexible schedule and worked out super early near work on the days I did not to avoid the worst of the traffic. Is there an accident on I-75 and I might as well pull off and have dinner at a restaurant right now because I will legitimately get home at the same time as if I try to sit here on the highway? I live near the first stop on bus #1 and transfer far enough uptown that I always get a seat on bus #2 (a limited). I couldnt handle mentally OR physically. My commute now is 35 minutes walking, 12 minutes by bike or bus. When I was in LA I found a job in Santa Monica and moved from Mid City to Venice based entirely on commute. Nope. Add in the higher tax rates, and general COL differences and wed have needed to literally double our household income to get roughly the same quality of life. However, I am clear that this commute is bad for me, bad for my family, and Im going to do everything possible to move closer to work. Here a long commute is 45 minutes of 55 mph with no traffic jams and people complain about it. It is normal enough thoughI know several folks who commute that long or longer into Manhattan, Boston, etc. But that assumes (1) each of these people are physically capable of biking long distances (personally I look healthy but my body is terrible and I couldnt) and (2) there are actually useable bike routes along the way. LA does have notoriously horrible commutes, but two hours one way sounds ridiculous even for LA (although apparently not unheard of). In the beginning, he had these super long commutes. I would factor in both the time of the commute and the variability. Hen youll have to switch jobs, OP, or work out some telework arrangement. Small company full of hip millennials who are transplants and live in WeHo. In theory, you can have densely packed cars drive. Think that commute is under an hour. Though sometimes Ill just pick classics to feel well-read (even if Im pretty sure Im going to hate them) or popular books so that I can be a little more up on cultural references. Im running out of podcasts to binge. We live between OC and LA, but he commutes into OC (17 miles). I do all my decompressing in my car and I drive 45 minutes out of my way to shop in peace as well, so Im just a big ol crazy pants wanderer. You can also take the 710, but it has more traffic and I personally dislike driving it even when its empty (of course when I lived in LB it was right off the 710.). The distance between my house and my office was about 13 miles. Right now my partner leaves for work at 5am so that he can beat traffic, which is kind of miserable but at least he has the ability to work flexible hours so he can do it. Theres also a direct bus route that gets me there in about 45 minutes. Just because it is normal doesnt mean its sane. Now I live in Charlotte, NC, and my drive is 20 minutes (25 at the most.) The time, the increased risk of harm, the wear and tear on your car and nerves. On the plus side for people in LA, the NYC subways (and also Long Island Railroad) are deteriorating in such a rapid way that although a person might normally have, say, a 45-minute commute, about once a week itll be 90+ minutes. Muni is basically the worst. Come on. Nope nope nope nopeit is normal for Cali but nope nope nope nope nope. I must drive because theres no transit is a very different problem than, I cant wrap my head around the idea of trying transit.. Metrolink was an hour and a half door to door, but at least it was fairly consistent, and I could read/write/zone out so it didnt feel like entirely wasted time. Can't be sustainable imo but his are you fairing. It costs you hours you could have spent with friends or getting to know people who would become friends. I was going to suggest you try driving to your parents once a week but that's not really possible at the moment. The other thing that's crucial is how many trains it takes (not relevant if you're driving, obvs). Ha ha. Its very specific to you. I spoke to my manager, and he agreed to this and said I can commute once per week (when the office opens up again). Getting to work in the mornings was fine 45 minutes, unless it was raining (rare) or there was a bad accident that held up traffic (still pretty rare that time of morning). Yup, the 10-mile stretch from the exit I get on to the exit I need to take to switch HWYs is always deep red on the GPS, completely clogged and Im basically parked. I have a 20 mile drive, 98% freeway, and flex hours, so I can arrive anytime between 7:30 and 9:30 am. I have been on the Metro many times, including the blue line going through Compton at 1am, and never felt unsafe. Yes! I currently live in a suburb 12 miles out from downtown, where my office is. Brea, Yorba Linda and Anaheim Hills just have freeways. All I can offer is sympathy. Ive since moved, but my 10 mile commute still take 30-45 minutes each morning. 3 Strategies for Surviving a Long Commute. In more rural areas, sure, 50 makes sense but in an urban area like Boston, they should go by travel time, IMHO. In case you do think about moving: The first worst commute is Valley to west side, the second is San Gabriel Valley to Culver City area, and the third worst is south LA/Garden Grove/LB to anywhere north of DTLA, regardless of whether youre going east or west of DTLA. Many, many people commute from the East Bay down to Silicon Valley, and that commute is 45 minutes at midnight, and more like 1.5 or even 2 hours in bad traffic. So, yes even in LA, a 2-hour one-way commute is on the extreme end of the bell curve of commute times, particularly for auto commute. There are a lot of ways to answer the long commute question, its more about finding the right answer for your specific household than the one true Right Answer. If it's a good work opportunity you might as well give it a try. Thank you for this! Try it a few times (in summer, when the days are marginally longer, and you have more daylight). But the two blocks on either side of the 405 took 30 minutes. Now Im back to a 15-minute commute. I honestly didnt think less than an hour was possible in NYC. Keep your fingers crossed for me please! Id really recommend giving it a shot, if you can. The narrators (as far as I can tell it is only two, but they have amazing range) are fabulous and the world Hearne has built is pretty intriguing. My actual work commute is short (god bless flyover country), but Ive done long drives a lot and 2 hours of driving on a rural NM back road is *so* much less stressful than 2 hours of driving in Austin. Best thing I ever did was arranging my life so my home and office are four blocks apart. Oh no! Its baffling to me, even coming from Boston where 93 is notoriously slow. I've travelled the same route before during rush hour and it varied. I need to have time to rest and a life, so Ive always applied for jobs that were a reasonable 30-minute commute away. He works, reads, or naps for the 4-4.5 hour round trip commute. Four hours out of your day, gone. That's train, tube, walk and drive to the station. Eventually, I moved to the SGV. I walk 1.5 miles to BART instead of taking the muni 4 blocks from my house. I had a commute that was about 40 minutes each-way in no traffic (Atlanta). Also, I assume the commute is not a straight line. You will feel like a whole new person when you find a reasonable commute. Its bad. And thats my hard limit! I was just about to point out this every same thing. If no seat, I switch to the express train and get to work roughly on time. The downsides are that a lot of elderly and disabled take the bus so that slows things down when they have to raise/lower the ramps to let them on/off; and everyone can talk on their cell phones. Im wary of any directions and side streets not given to me by locals. The traffic-related info and anecdotes in this thread make me wonder why any sane human would ever want to live there. heres some free help preparing for job interviews. More than that would be un-doable for me. I regret doing this to myself, so much. They built a whole light rail system, actually. I dont EVER want to own a house (unless I miraculously come into enough money to buy it outright and have lots left over for taxes, maintenance, insurance, etc and to hire someone to oversee it all!) My dad had a 1.5 2 hour commute each way growing up (so, 25 years ago) in socal. Each individual needs to decide if the can live with it, quit, move, or suck it up for the paycheck. Could you shoot this one out to your readers? If you give more specifics about where youre at I might be able to recommend areas that make sense to job hunt! That's why our strongest recommendation is to make the time to commute, even when you are working at home. That is going 11 miles. Now I go south. But with the hours he was working + commute, he was basically only home to sleep and shower M-F. Yeah, I moved from a nicer and more affordable apartment to a more expensive and less nice one in order to cut at least 90 minutes out of my commute. Horror or smart comedy (like George Carlin and seinfeld)! I just declined to go further with a job because they required butts in seats 5 days/week and even with flexible hours (which I wasnt sure they had), the commute would be 45-60 minutes of stop and go stress. It is the traffic when driving that makes it stressful. I know it sounds ridiculous but traffic doesnt clear up until like 7-8 pm so Id be home even later with the same-ish drive. I think its worse now. I can do the drive in 20-30 minutes, depending what time I leave. The Bay Area is another place, like LA, where you really have to limit your geographical options when looking for jobs. The roads are bad (potholes that could eat a car), and all the ways to my suburb are sketchy. This is normal, but its not sustainable. (The other big difference is that NYC is built on ground well suited to subways, where LA is built on geologically unstable, wet sand. Are you happy doing it is the question. Theres a reason, despite improved public transportation, we love our cars. Id still bring it up to your boss if thats not tenable for you personally there may be another work around, like you leave at 3pm but have a wireless headset in the car to direct calls, and you arrive before him every morning to finish the tasks left for you the previous evening. Those are now considered commutable distances, even though those are far away. My last contract was about 40 miles away from my domicile and I drove. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, about 28 miles outside of the citymy husband commutes via BART (the subway) everyday and it takes about 45 minutes if its running on time which it never isif he were drive, it would easily be 90 minutes one way with traffic if there were no major accidents/road closures. I remember talking to the kids at the company (and they were kids) who were *horrified* at the idea of living so far outside the city, I was like babies it will take me less time than it does now *and* I wont be spending 1/2 my salary on a tiny apartment. , NC, and my office was about 40 minutes each-way in no traffic Atlanta... On opposite ends of LA to be long-distance relationships ends of LA to be long-distance.... Of surrounding suburbs that makes a huge metro Area be home even later with the same-ish drive to... Recommend areas that make sense to job hunt 1.5 hrs traffic is 100 % the pit of hell be.! 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