August 10, 1970, Globe, Arizona: Now, as we have said before, the time of the Cherub is now. Yes, Aka, and along these lines, I have one short question. There are part of these that are totally useless at this time unless they should go great depths. Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line, to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico, or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it, the splitting away of land. But as I have spoke of the birth of a child, the birth of the return of the Messiah of earth a child shall be born, for he shall lead the souls of the earth plane, as he shall lead the souls of our plane. These two plates are moving horizontally, slowly sliding past one another. All, what I have seen. The world leaders in earthquake forecasting and hazard analysis, the OpenHazards Group, have recently provided the following information, which demonstrates that California will not fall into the ocean, Will California eventually fall off into the ocean? But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. As I lay there, Can thy understand of which we speak? Now, thy ask, Shall we survive? Therefore, we would say these words into thee, blessed are those who may wait. If this would be beneficial to all of us, then what could I do to help bring this about? He asks, Where, and how?, [Editors note: See the August 10, 1970, message that was given previously to this person.]. For in Gods plan, we should tell thee, it shall be no more, for as water flows, so shall the spirit of God flow. Understand them. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earths axis. We have shown thee of many paths and many lessons. [See Acts 1:1226, 2:139. A bridge, a natural bridge shall rise from the ocean bed, and therefore, what is now known as the British Isles, and what shall be left of them, shall then become part of the continent of Europe. But He should allow thee to do it unto thyselves. As he described this tumultuous deram, I remembered a Scripture that I heard back in the 1970s. But no Father shall slay his own son. Yet your duty was tradesman, that of good will among other men. Glory be the name of the Lord. For if our words are false, then we are the fool, not you. There is [are] many there who shall need this healing after the time that shall be of one, if thy should walk through the rain and storm and be guided by the Lamb, for remember, the Lambs blood shall cover thy earth. Now we would say unto this soul, your time grows short. Fear not. We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Then could this be, as thy would call it, of superconscious mind? Nay. The land shall upheaval. Ohio Kindergarten student dies suddenly from Medical Issue, Microsoft announces it will be laying off 10,000 employees, Tennessee Congressman claims the Bible has Pretty Clear evidence of UFO sighting, Calls on Feds to declassify reports, Doomsday Clock will soon be updated for the first time since Putin invaded Ukraine, Another North Carolina power substation has been damaged by gunfire weeks after grid attacks left thousands without power, Russia to Boost Troops in West, Expanding Army to 1.5 Million Kyiv Warns of Fresh Offensive, (NEW PODCAST) Here are two stories that prove the End of the Age is near, Amazon begins its largest layoffs ever, 18,000 job cuts, Sudden death of 46-year-old Washington state firefighter Captain stuns community, The clock is ticking for humanity as a horrifying fertility crisis looms. Now now shall be the time of the Cherub. Then, if in thy mind before thy sleep at night, thy would think upon us and think of thy word, Aka, relate it with God and His works, thy answer shall come. Your earth is now awake, [and] abundance shall come from the earth. Santa Claritas only local radio station is KHTS FM 98.1 and AM 1220. Is this child, the one that has been referred to, was it born in 1957?, When we last talked with you, you told [4670002] how to purify his drinking water and the water for his family. If what is in the mind of some men of this earth plane at this time, this famine shall be created for a short period. But give unto yourself also that that is due unto you. Therefore, first we should tell thee, as thy have known before, of our Father, and our Fathers plan. Most of the words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, that were recorded from 1970 to 1989 are now available for you at From now until the year of 1985 each earthquake shall become increasingly worse. Yet, all shall be glad within their hearts, for your suffering upon the Earth shall end, and as has been promised, a new heaven and a new earth shall begin. The land shall rise from the sea and other land shall fall. Can thy understand of which we speak?, Of the storing of the food for the famine, you had said earlier that the people in this location shouldnt store the food here. [See Matthew 24:36.]. If man is to heed thy word of God and to build thy temple of God, not from riches or material things, for is it not better to look upon God in an open field and love Him than to build Him a castle of many jewels and hate Him, and turn your false faces to Him? These, with your own explosions, shall trigger a great earthquake into the same. It shall not happen to this one soul at this time, for she shall go elsewhere, not too long from now. Can thy understand this? You shall see new mothers who are afraid and they shall even deny that which is happening around them. [See Matthew 24:19. Nay. Thy, the two brothers, both have asked the same question, How may I meditate?. Yet, should I say to you, Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy planes, then thy should have reached the Christ state, and your planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. [He exhales deeply.] Editors note: The Yuma, Arizona, group watched the water in the Colorado River near where it is routed into the All American Canal. And yet, your prayers were that you should live long enough to see this one. For those who have been written in the beginning, their names shall be taken a poll unto the same, And our Lord, God, should give unto them guidance and peace of mind, and the gift of life shall be given unto those. Pastor Joel (September 22, 2013 (This is an older message by A Pastor Joel. Yes. Aka, we only have one question this evening by [9570002], and she would like to know, What can we do in San Bernardino with the function anticipated there, and how do they fit in an overall pattern as to who is who, and what, in this line of work?. But do not run and hide, for that in itself is where the danger lies.. New tornados and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. Within the next year, further tremors shall occur in the valley of the Salton Sea. Your earth is shifting on its axis. It is said that all that is good will stand, and so it has been with the philosophy that has stood within your religions. If ye should say, I could destroy thy world with thy right hand and make it again with thy left, in talking to prove or to show a point, would thee do this if thy loved thy people? For the children of God should not fear, for remember, no man may harm the children of God. Store seeds that thy may replant and replenish the earth. . And our Father shall walk with thee, and His light shall shine upon thee. After the waters recede in Genesis, God makes a promise to Noah: Never again will I destroy any living creature. Who sank in the sea? After giving guidance to help an individuals health, this question is asked. Those who may resist this shall stay in the Book which was written in the beginning of time. [Exodus 24:18. My husband woke up out of breath because the people were falling into the ocean. Can the ground open up during an earthquake? Not now, but at a later time the building shall split in the center and crumble and kill contents and people in this building. But now, remember also, at this time shall come the Anti-Christ, and his stay upon your earth shall be lean, and he shall try and stamp upon the foreheads of Gods children his name. Many should flee unto this land at first. Editors note: Remember that Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 (and in Mark 13:32 and Acts 1:7) that no one knows the exact day or hour not even the angels of heaven nor even the Son but only the Father knows. Then he says, stay awake. If you should know of sin, and then do upon it unto others, this shall be done unto you. We should tell thee more of this at a different time. But for their people and for the people of the Lord, our Father as we speak of those who were created in the beginning and who are listed in the Book, these people, as thy would know them, are the children of God. The Jordan River speaks of death. For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. Does this mean a big one is going to hit? It is through your [prayers] of the destiny of your earth., January 21, 1977: Aka, I have a question from [93572]. And the people changed their ways. And we say unto the land of Oregon that that of the land beneath Mt. Best to you, Your email address will not be published. This information is not given to make thy family physically wealthy, but is given that, as we have said before, that as raindrops, the material things will be given that are necessary to carry on this work. There have been dozens of smaller earthquakes in the area since 1906, including a 6.7 magnitude earthquake that occurred in 2003 and caused some damage in Desert Hot Springs. At this time, those who do not change shall be no more. One moment. It will crumble and fall back to the floor and will ultimately break off the east cost of California along the San Andria fault line. There shall be a time of famine yes, we see this. There is no specific mention of California falling into the ocean in the Bible. And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. Remember, this time we prepare you for is a time that man shall make, not our Father. We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. When we say unto you that all is in accord, it is because all thy love is in accord with God, and all thy love for thy fellow man is in accord with God. According to the US Geological Survey, there is a one in three chance that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake will strike the San Andreas Fault within the next 30 years. But most of all, pray for the people, for God shall weep these days. If you should [have] your neighbors store, store yourself first, and by example your neighbors shall know that they need a years provisions. But remember these words, throw not away thy material gifts, for there is yet more blessings to come from our Father. [See The Revelation, chapter 610, and 1422. August 11, 1972, Globe, Arizona: And we should say unto thee again, let the dead bury their dead, for our Father should be the God of the living, not the dead. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all. These, if thy should look thy would find the records if you [looked, we would say], check of the assay. For this to be done, that, and for the coming of eternal peace on earth, our work and our coming has happened in many places upon thy earth. Your earth, as we have said before, shall start to change. Then think of the spirit forming into souls, to hover above this earth and other earths in the many, many galaxies of the vast universe and universes. Its time is now coming into fulfillment. If the answer is soon, will I leave here alone?. February 15, 2022 8:06 AM Julia Carmen A dream my husband approximately two years ago. Or did Ray see another time in the future? Many shall become quite hysterical and flee this land all around you. There is one among you who asks, How may I help myself? Yes, for now, as we have told soul Ray, now shall be the time of the Cherub. We say unto you, the Imperial Valley will go first gradual, slow, but it shall fill, and the river shall change its course. And use the same with storing. [Note: numbers are substituted for names spoken to respect individuals privacy.]. This land mass shall cover an area of 50-by-100 miles. For that proportion thy know as South America, many proportions of the same should change. **ANOINTING OIL please email the address above. For those who should lose of their souls shall be no more, for they shall wander in nothingness., December 29, 1972: We should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. February 25, 1977: You may have many religions upon your earth, many faiths. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. Mix your own mixture of food for a while. Too often, man forgets that God loves thee. February 8, 1975: We shall say unto you unto these words, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. But if you run and be afraid, then that is what you shall be fearful and afraid. There was once, long before, this man, this soul, who owned this property. Its whole form shall change. But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. If you are prepared to these times, you will not worry. In Jesus name, amen. Can thy understand of which we speak? We should say unto thee, a volcano shall erupt, and flow and divide, and this proportion shall be known as the valley of the sea and the division between the isles of California. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. Scientists predict that a magnitude-10 earthquake will occur on the Hayward Fault within the next 30 years, after a magnitude-5.1 earthquake struck this area on April 18, 1989. So theres a way of saying, Okay, I have time, but that doesnt mean it wont be an earthquake tomorrow 7.5 you know, or next week or two weeks from now have some magnitude. Yes, that is better. And for [71870001]s question, we would answer you this way. Well, now all of that has changed. And as the Seven Angels gather above your earth, all these things which we have said unto you shall come of past [to pass]. Soon after they arrived with the brightest light in the heavens, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, lovingly told, on May 15, 1970: For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. For those children of our Father who do not forsake Him, but leave their trust in Him, no matter of what foul things the Beast may say, and of, no matter what miracles the Beast may perform, keep thy trust in thy Father. And we say unto you, it shall strike a chord unto that of New Mexico. And the souls that dwelled here, at that. Now, of this civilization we would tell you this, this civilization made war upon other planets, and therefore, as you would call it at this time, the heavy bombardment by radiation changed the form of man, and has continued to change its form into what you are today. And as thy ask of soul Ray and where shall his place be? This should happen soon in a different way than has happened before. Nostradamus is a 16th-century French physician and astrologer who is best known for his book Les Propheties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains allegedly predicting future events. The devastation of the 1862 flood, its effects magnified by a brutal drought that started immediately afterward and lasted through 1864, "delivered the final blow," Jelinek writes. Your email address will not be published. And for those who should dwell as lost souls, let them bury their dead also. Thank you.. This you must realize, only our Father, and at His grace, shall disclose what stands in the times that stand for His great plan. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]. Can thy understand this? We are all preparing to take trips. Make the preparations. It shall burn brightly in thy heavens for all to see. You have spoken of the time of the Cherub. Does this have any connection with the child that is to come? We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:141.]. It shall be Gods will that thy be answered by another spirit at this time. At the present time, we should say unto these words, there is much work needed yet in this location, for in the valley below the sea, there also we should build Gods temple into man. Those who should not heed Gods word, this Sword. But the safest place that thy can find shall be within thyself and in thy soul. In fact, in my recent article about why people are moving out of California, I included a quote from an ABC Los Angeles story about how researchers are warning that a major earthquake in southern California is "way overdue" A recently published study reveals new evidence that a major earthquake is way overdue on a 100 mile stretch of the San Andreas Fault from the Antelope Valley to the Tejon Pass and beyond. Or shall you be as the last time, each separating into your separate races, each ready to make war upon the other, mistrust? But hark we say unto thee these words. At the present time is not the time to make the change. Also in the food pour two ounces of the sage in her food. The stress caused by this movement can result in devastating. Normally, this type of information would not be given. Therefore, for the life in the future, look from whence thy came. You know, uh, Jesus talked quite a bit about the kingdom of God. About | . I [], The Preparation Of The Bride Maurice Sklar Nov 24 2005 Dear Friends, During the past few weeks [], 11.25.2003 Volcano & Massive Earthquake Split the U.S. If this is the work you have chosen, there are many among you there that the funds necessary for the erection of such would be there for the asking. Yet, we give the gift greater than all to thee, the gift of God and His kingdom. Remember, the temple of God unto which we speak is in man. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us. But scientists are also telling us that a tremendous amount of seismic tension has built up in southern California, and that this tension could cause a major earthquake at any time. The borrower is the lenders slave, and the rich govern both the poor and the rich. But do not do it in such a way that you should run as frightened children. Rats, weasels, snakes, and centipedes reportedly left their homes and headed for safety several days before a destructive earthquake. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Fathers intention. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. St. Helens is part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, a segment of the Pacific Ring of Fire that includes over 160 active volcanoes. Can thy understand this? An event of that magnitude would kill millions of people because Los Angeles and other coastal areas would be completely destroyed, which explains why Byron was told, "Many people will perish this day and hell will be enlarged." But now scientists are telling us that a megaquake could cause large portions of California to plunge into the ocean and that it is quite likely that this will actually happen someday. There is great work for [thy, their] children. Jesus, before he was crucified, talked about, quite a bit about the judgment day, and also, he talked about the terrible things that are to take place before this judgment day. Youve been studying quite a bit of my work. Now, as we have said before, if thy should climb that ladder of our Father, climb it in such a way that thy shall help others up the ladder before thee, and therefore, thy shall climb this ladder tenfold.For now is the time of the Cherub, and this time shall be of the mightiest angels of God shall hover over your earth and shall direct our disciples in the right direction in his Lord. Woke up out of breath because the people were falling into the ocean make, not too from... Tell thee, and along these lines, I have one short question ( this is an older message a..., it shall be the time of the ocean of my work: we shall say unto you the from... There is great work for [ thy, the reign and the Beast and... But for one purpose, that is what you shall see new mothers who are afraid and shall! Caused by this movement can result in devastating Revelation, chapter 1 and 2:141. ] and,... The stress caused by this movement can result in devastating out of breath because the people, for is... 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